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MDSap  >>  Success Stories  >>  Disease Registries

Client Overview

The Department of Health is the primary regulatory body for national Healthcare. It works to ensure the health and well-being of the community and operates a central Disease Registry.

The Challenge

The key requirement was accumulating a comprehensive database of the health, and wellness diagnosis, treatments, and corresponding results for the general populace of the region. The registries needed to capture both specialty care and specific diseases or conditions for the complete population. The project involved the implementation of 10 National Disease Registries for the Department of Health over a 5-year period.

Our Approach

After undertaking a thorough analysis, the following actions were devised and executed:

  • Workshops were administered to understand the existing KPIs and the reporting strategy being followed.
  • These KPIs were then optimized
  • In the next step, we optimized and aligned Strategic projects which were cascaded across the organization.
  • Then a detailed analysis of the source system data was conducted to assess the reporting data
  • Subsequently, we implemented a technical platform to align with the defined framework.
  • The MDSAP team designed and developed updated reporting perspectives and Digital Dashboards at multiple levels of KPIs

Project Highlights

The disease registries will now collaborate with the clinical teams to:

  • Undertake the seamless collection and analysis of quality data.
  • Provide specifically designed vital indicators for the required quality of care for patients.
  • Streamline the entire data lifecycle, from collection to utilization, ensuring that the data is efficiently managed at every stage, reducing redundancy and maximizing its value.
  • The project places a strong emphasis on data governance, which is essential for maintaining patient privacy alongwith the integrity and confidentiality of healthcare data.
Digital Dashboards at multiple levels of KPIs

Value-Driven Benefits for the Department of Health

  • A comprehensive system of data collection and better analysis by the clinical teams.
  • The implementation ensures that going forward, the patients receive the highest standard of care, leading to better health outcomes for the community
  • Successfully implemented data governance, measuring the responsible collection, processing, analysis, storage, and utilization of data.This ensures compliance with regulatory standards and safeguards patient information.
  • A more agile and responsive healthcare system, capable of adapting to evolving patient needs.
  • Elevated quality of decision making as the insights derived from the data analysis empower healthcare professionals to make informed decisions, tailor treatments, and continuously improve patient care.